Learn more about (Nepalese) Kumari windows

Kumari Window is a unique architectural feature that can be found in many traditional Nepalese temples. It is a special type of window that is designed to provide a glimpse into the inner sanctum of the temple, where the deity is housed. The word ‘Kumari’ means ‘virgin’ or ‘unspoiled girl’ in Sanskrit, and the window is named so because it is believed to offer a glimpse of the young girl who is chosen to be the Kumari Devi, the Living Goddess.

The Kumari Window is often a large and elaborate opening in the temple wall, and is typically carved from wood and covered in intricate carvings and designs. These carvings often depict Hindu deities, and the Kumari Window is considered to be a symbol of the connection between the people and the divine.

In Nepalese culture, the Kumari Devi is a young girl who is believed to be the incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju. She is considered to be a powerful and revered figure, and is held in high esteem by the people of Nepal. The selection process for the Kumari Devi is long and rigorous, and involves a series of tests and rituals to determine if the chosen girl is truly the embodiment of the goddess.

Once the girl has been chosen, she is installed in the temple and begins her role as the Kumari Devi. It is believed that as long as she remains pure and unspoiled, she will continue to embody the goddess, and will remain a source of strength and inspiration for the people.

The Kumari Window is considered to be an important aspect of the temple, as it allows people to glimpse the goddess in her dwelling. It is also believed to be a source of good luck and blessings, and many people will come to the temple to offer prayers and offerings in the hopes of gaining the goddess’ favor.

In addition to its religious significance, the Kumari Window is also an impressive work of art and craftsmanship. The intricate carvings and designs that adorn the window are a testament to the skill and creativity of the craftsmen who created them. They are also a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Nepal, and the deep spiritual connection that the people have with the divine.

The Kumari Window is not only an important religious symbol, but it is also an important part of Nepalese culture. It represents the connection between the people and the divine, and is a symbol of the strength and resilience of the Nepalese people. Whether viewed as a religious or cultural artifact, the Kumari Window is an impressive and unique feature that is sure to captivate and inspire those who come across it.

However, not everyone views the Kumari Window as a positive aspect of Nepalese culture. There has been criticism and controversy surrounding the Kumari Devi tradition, with many people claiming that it is a form of child exploitation and abuse. Critics argue that young girls are taken away from their families and forced to live in isolation and seclusion, and that they are subjected to strict and oppressive conditions.

Despite these criticisms, the tradition of the Kumari Devi remains a deeply ingrained part of Nepalese culture, and the Kumari Window continues to be an important symbol of the connection between the people and the divine. Whether viewed as a source of inspiration or a form of exploitation, the Kumari Window remains a fascinating and unique architectural feature that is sure to capture the imagination of anyone who encounters it.

In conclusion, the Kumari Window is a unique and captivating architectural feature that can be found in many traditional Nepalese temples.
